Why cheese curds might not be the best pre-hike snack (and what might make a better choice)

Cheese curds pre=hike?
We destroyed this bag of curds!

If you’ve ever had cheese curds, you not only know what they are, but you also know they’re delicious. If you either don’t know or haven’t yet experienced them, I implore you to go immediately to your nearest grocery or convenience store and pick up a bag. You won’t be disappointed. In fact, you can even order them here.

Cheese curds were my daughter’s idea

She’s the one who first saw them hanging in the cooler at the general store in Finland, Minn. She’s the one who suggested we get them. She’s the one who thought we needed the big bag. I nixxed the big bag, but relented on the small. When we dug into theme in the car, I immediately thought perhaps I should have sprung for the big bag. These things are delicious!

It was another ten miles out to the state park

By the time we’d reached the turn into George Crosby Manitou State Park, the cheese curds were nearly gone. I said I’d leave the rest for Kate and opted instead to munch on a graham cracker. At the parking lot, Kate said she’d share, and we polished off the last two pieces of our cheesy snack.

Admittedly, hunger wasn’t a problem

As we hiked the rugged trails of the state park, I noticed I wasn’t hungry at all. The protein and fat from our cheese curds was definitely keeping my hunger at bay, however, thirst was another story. I should’ve known that a salty, cheesy snack might thirst-inducing, but I hadn’t considered just how much that would be true.

Plenty of water is always key

It’s good we did the hike, but it was my first hike in a while, and I always seem to forget everything I need until I am out on the trail. The next time I’m heading out will be for the big 20+ miler, so a smaller hike like this one, was a good way to remind me of all the things I need that I didn’t have – including as usual – enough water.

There are better snacks for this than cheese curds

While it’s hard to believe there are better snacks, cheese curds aren’t necessarily a hiking go-to unless you want to carry gallons of water. Here’s five better choices to include on your next hike:

  1. Almonds. These powerhouse nuts are filled with satiating fat and also have electrolytes.
  2. Raisins. Sweet and easily transportable.
  3. Crackers. – If you’re trying to go gluten-free like I’ve been, try these.
  4. Monster Cookies – these gluten free cookies were just the thing to fuel a 13-mile snowshoe into and out of the BWCAW in March. Trail tested. Rachel approved.
  5. Jerky (or Biltong, which I’d literally never heard of until I was watching last night’s episode of Naked and Afraid.)

Cheese curds won’t always be my first choice for hiking

I do have to admit that I didn’t get hangry even after hiking more than four miles. The cheese curds definitely kept my blood sugar even and kept my hunger at bay. I did, however, empty three more bottles of water on the way home. This wasn’t a big deal as I had plenty of water in the car, but if we’d been doing a multi-day through hike, the thirst would’ve become a bigger issue.

Keep the cheese curds for short day hikes

All in all, a bag (or two) or delicious cheese curds is fine for a shorter day hike, but something less thirst-inducing is key for longer treks.