
Wealth is more than money
So much more than money

Wealth means many things to many people

To many, “wealth” is synonymous with “money.” That’s fine, if this definition works for you. For me, it’s about much more than that. Of course, having enough money to pay the bills and do the things you want is definitely a plus, but it’s not the whole story.

When the focus isn’t just about money

Room is left to imagine a life that’s about giving and doing and learning and enjoying. When money is viewed as a tool that enables a person to live a life of wealth, the focus changes. For example, there are numerous references to wealth that don’t necessarily require money. “A wealth of experience” or “A wealth of knowledge” are just two examples.

There might be something to this

Money spent on traveling rarely seems to elicit regret in the long term. (Especially, if you’re able to find a great deal on traveling.) How about money thrown in the offering plate? Somehow, these expenditures seem to always pay off in ways that can’t be bought with money.

There’s a lot of practical advice

I discovered the Dave Ramsey show on talk radio years back, and that helped shape my views on building wealth. There’s so many others who also speak to the topic that there’s no room to list them all here, but reading and learning on how to handle your finances is a great way to be intentional with your money, and build a life that has meaning beyond dollar signs.

A life well lived

Is the true focus here. A life filled with love, fun and story-worthy experiences is worth more than a pile of money amassed at the expense of all else. Generosity and improving the lives of others through your efforts is how the Bible directs us to amass our treasure, and what better advice to follow than that?