Why not?

There never seems to be a shortage of people to tell you what you can’t do. Naysayers are plentiful and oftentimes hard to tune out. It’s those who are able to “go for it” regardless of what “it” is who so often seem to come out winners. No one who’s ever succeeded in life didn’t also fail. To do nothing is the only real assurance that you’ll not fail, but in the end the lack of effort, initiative or going for it produces results no better than failing. The question “Why not?” is meant to offer the inspiration to try.

Failure (at least) comes with lessons

Those who choose the safe route of doing nothing never learn the invaluable lessons that come along with failure. They also never exercise the muscles used in getting back up and trying again. Failure is scary and the inspiration to try can be hard to come by, but here’s at least one place to go to find that much needed nudge.

Trying is scary, but what about dream atrophy?

At the end of your days do you want to look at your loved ones and say, “At least I never tried.” The failure and regret I imagine comes from living life on the “safe” side is not something I’m willing to embrace. If you’re here, you’re likely ready to throw caution to the wind too.

If an idea, suggestions or saying, gives you the inspiration to try things a new way, chase a dream or make a change, then my own venture into the unknown is worthwhile.

Don’t beat yourself up

Sometimes taking the leap takes time. If you don’t believe me, check out how long ago I wrote my most recent previous post on motivation. Yes, I let fear, uncertainty and life in general get in the way. Do I wish I’d kept at it three years ago? You bet your sweet pa-toot I do! The reality is, though, you have to start from where you are right now – today. Beating yourself up with coulda, shoulda, woulda can deflate the inspiration to try quicker than a sharp pin to a birthday balloon. Feel free to read what I wrote about that even longer ago here.

Inspiration examples of late

When you want to curl up into a ball and hide because whatever it is you dream of seems unattainable, look to those who did it anyway. For instance, you can’t tell me Kirsten Neuschafer didn’t face doubt when she followed her inspiration to try. She recently became the first woman to win the Golden Globe sailing race. Oh! You didn’t hear about her? Find her story here.

Inspiration comes in many forms

Those signs and nudges we all need surround us every day, but it’s easy to miss them. You need to make sure that you’re on the “frequency” (as it’s called in Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret) to receive. A life lived with eyes open and a heart filled with gratitude in certain anticipation of that inspiration we both need and desire is the surest way to find it. So give yourself permission to believe that dreams do come true if only you say, “Why Not?”