Pay Attention! The signs are all around

The signs are everywhere! Woah! If that doesn’t sound a bit apocalyptic, I don’t know what does. I’m not talking about the end of days signs like Kareem Abdul Jabar’s as the Monster Shouter in Stephen King’s, The Stand. That’s a conversation for another day. Today, I’m talking about those little tidbits that crop up throughout the day to inform your journey.

For example

Yesterday, I took a last minute subbing job. I was supposed to be at my other job, but the furnace went out. This left me available to pickup a sub job in the afternoon. I was assisting a student in the third grade, and his teacher chose to show the class a Kindness 101 video. The particular episode she chose was “A lesson in grit.” I’m pretty sure I’d seen this particular episode before. I know teaching kids to have grit has gained traction as educators and parents have seen a decline in kids’ ability to “figure it out” thanks to the tendency to just “Google” everything rather than having to spend any time pondering possible answers.

Even though I’d seen this broadcast or one like it, it was exactly what I needed – when I needed it. As I endeavor on this quest to build an online business with my writing, I’m having to dig deep. I’m having to start before I’m ready and work when I don’t want to. I’m having to maintain unyielding faith that my goals will come to fruition with time and determination. Without grit, I’d never get where I’m going.

Was it a sign?

I certainly think it was. My husband gives me crap about thinking everything is “cosmic.” The thing is, I really do believe that everything is “cosmic”. It’s no random accident we’re here. I believe we were created for a greater purpose, and it’s our job to pay attention, so when we get information about what that might be, we don’t miss it. There’s few instances in the Bible where God came right out and started talking to people, but there’s countless examples of signs.

Why then if that was his/her/their preferred mode of communication back in Biblical times, would it be any different today?

How to recognize the signs

  • Look for them – This seems obvious, but anyone who’s ever been driving somewhere new knows how easy it can be to miss a sign if you’re not looking for it.
  • Listen. Stop thinking of what you’ll say next and just listen closely to what others are saying to and around you.
  • Think – Take time to consider all that’s happening around you. What does it really mean? So few things are purely superficial when you take a closer look.
  • Expect them – Believe you’ll see a sign that will lead you to answers, and be open to what the universe shows you. (I just used that one to find something I was looking for! It worked, so now I’m on to the next thing on the list.)
  • Get excited. When you see what seems to be a sign, don’t be afraid to feel happy. (Upon finding that for which I was looking, I yelled “Woo!” threw my arms up and allowed myself to FEEL great about it.) FEELING is important to this whole “Cosmic” thing, I’ll write more about that another time, but a good place to get a feel for the importance of FEELING is by checking out The Secret.

You’ll start to see them everywhere

Like most things in life, once you exercise and strengthen your sign-seeing muscle, you’ll discover the signs are everywhere. I personally believe God has a sense of humor, so some of the signs I see are just God being funny. It’s okay to laugh out loud when one of these comes along. Life’s so much better, more interesting and fulfilling when we choose to believe in what’s possible.

This sign given to me by my former boss is a favorite.